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Credit unions cooperation

On April 26, PSFCU President/CEO Bogdan Chmielewski attended virtual meeting between leaders of WOCCU and Brazil’s SICREDI which consists of 116 credit unions with 4 million members. Topics of the meeting included exchange of ideas, best practices and further cooperation.

As a biggest ethnic credit union in the U.S. and the leader of Polish-American community, PSFCU is committed to cooperate closely with SICREDI. “I am glad to hear that there is large Polish community involved in Brazil’s credit union movement. We will share our experience working for Polish-Americans” Bogdan Chmielewski declared.


The meeting was attended by Rafał Matusiak, president of Poland’s National Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Unions (SKOK) and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of WOCCU. "PSFCU is an example of not only great care for its own members, but also maintaining ties between Poland and Poles living abroad,” Mr. Matusiak said.

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